Anchor Site Festivals > Cheongsam Rhapsody


Cheongsam Rhapsody, a fashion exhibition of Sham Shui Po - PART 1

Organised by Wontonmeen and FashionClinic by T

(Only Chinese version is available)

展示深水埗留下的長衫,跨越由20-60年代,由小裁偷襟到修腰貼身,由真絲無袖到夾棉到皮草夾裡,正反映著這些年代某女子大半生的春夏秋冬。讓參加者從展覽 了解過長衫的設計演變的歷史後,走進那些時代,以第一身來想像自己在當時的生活氛圍。

*Registration required:

The above information is provided by BODW CityProg Strategic Partner Wontonmeen and FashionClinic by T.

The Organiser reserves the right to cancel, postpone or change any details such as dates and formats of all events without prior notice. Please stay tuned to the Organiser website and social media for the latest updates.