Anchor Site Festivals > Cheongsam Rhapsody

A tour about making of cheongsam in Sham Shui Po

Organised by Wontonmeen and Silver-In Fashion Design Agency

(Only Chinese version is available)

集合地點: Silver-In Fashion Design Agency_ 九龍汝州街105號地下
位於深水埗的設計時裝設計工作坊,傳承本地製衣業的傳統工藝,教授初階的紡織品興趣班,以及專為有意從事時裝設計或建立個人服裝品牌人士而設的時裝設計師培訓工作坊,由0開始建立時裝事業。 主理人會帶大家遊走深水埗,解構從設計到製成品設計師們會光顧的店舖。亦親身體會這社區怎樣成為一個時裝ecosystem ,小店之間的重要性。


尾站: 長衫狂想曲展覽 Wontonmeen _九龍荔枝角道135號G/F


*Registration required:

The above information is provided by BODW CityProg Strategic Partner Wontonmeen & FashionClinic by T.

In light of the current pandemic situation, the Organiser reserves the right to cancel, postpone or change any details such as dates and formats of all events without prior notice. Please stay tuned to the Organiser website and social media for the latest updates.