

Back to School

Sin Sin Fine Art 主辦

活着是一場學習,無止境的學習是為了活得更精彩。冼倩文Sin Sin Man對所有事物充滿好奇,她對生命的熱情,造就她與創意及美學的親密關係。 Sin Sin Man忠於自己的生活方式。從 Sin Sin Atelier 到 Sin Sin Fine Art,再到 Villa Sin Sin, 充實反映了她對藝術和生活的態度與要求。 多年來, 她除了為本地藝術家策劃展覽,亦引進世界各地藝術家,通過分享、交流與創造,為香港藝術界帶來嶄新的視野。 通過 “Back To School” 展覽, Sin Sin請觀眾敞開心扉,懷著好奇心去探索更多。這個展覽呈現Sin Sin的過去,現在與未來。Sin Sin的新作品充滿層次感,無論是紙張、畫布、木材還是金屬,她以獨特的洞察力和藝術觸感,將它們轉化為富有趣味和啟發性的作品。 是次展覽代表了Sin Sin和她所創建的藝術空間 Sin Sin Fine Art 二十年生活的種種紀錄。在這些年裡,她獨特的藝術語言和符號反映她的赤子之心,在面對困難時的勇氣以及走真我道路的堅持。她充滿魅力的作品,無拘無束地表現了她對藝術的信念和承諾。 Andrea Björsell、Dwi Setianto、Lie Fhung、Roland Hagenberg、孫廣義和張曉棟是Sin Sin長期合作的藝術家,他們將通過文字、攝影和數碼圖像表達對Sin Sin作品的感知,以慶祝 Sin Sin Fine Art 成立二十周年。




Sin Sin Fine Art

(Chinese Version Only)

Ms Sin Sin Man is the sole founder, owner and director of “Sin Sin Atelier • Fine Art • Villa” – three distinctive brands that she developed over the years: a studio and a gallery in Hong Kong, as well as resort villas in Bali. She places high value on art, history, traditional training and hardwork. She believes that art should be seamlessly integrated into our daily life.

As a creative free-spirited soul, Ms Sin Sin Man travels a lot. During her frequent visits to Indonesia, she came to know and champion the work of Indonesian contemporary artists – which has inspired her to establish Sin Sin Fine Art in 2003.

Sin Sin Fine Art is the first and main force in Hong Kong to bring Indonesian artworks to Hong Kong and open new windows for them to the international art scene. Sin Sin Fine Art focuses on contemporary art from all over the world that is spiritual and inspiring, cultivating a collection of works by selected international artists. Ms Sin Sin Man considers herself a risk taker, in the sense that her choices of artists are based not on their market value but on a genuine appreciation of their vision and talent - no matter where they come from. This sincere approach proved to be fruitful with many of the artists she has shown and who later received recognition on an international level.